Join the Dancing Disc Collaborator Program: Let's Work Together!

Join the Dancing Disc Collaborator Program: Let's Work Together!

Passionate about dance and eager to spread the joy? We're thrilled to invite dedicated dancers to join our collaborative program—a chance to not only share the love for dance but also earn a sales commission along the way.

Who Can Apply?

If you're a dance enthusiast who's enthusiastic about promoting the Dancing Disc, this program is for you! However, if you're under 18, we kindly ask that you involve your parents in this partnership opportunity. Having their guidance and support ensures a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

What's in it for You?

By joining our collaboration initiative, you'll become an integral part of our mission to revolutionize dance practices worldwide. Not only will you have the satisfaction of sharing a fantastic product with fellow dancers, but you'll also earn a sales commission for every successful referral.

Collaboration Dancing Disc Program

Apply Now!**

Ready to join us on this exciting journey? Take the first step by applying today! Simply fill out our application form to express your interest in becoming a Dancing Disc collaborator. We can't wait to welcome passionate dancers who share our enthusiasm for spreading the joy of dance!

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Affiliate program

We are seeking passionate dancers who are interested in spreading the word while also earning a sales commission on the journey. IMPORTANT If you are under the age of 18, we kindly request that you involve your parents in this partnership opportunity. It is important to have their guidance and support throughout the process to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

Apply now

Partnership opportunities

  • Affiliate marketing
  • Discount codes
  • Campaigns
  • Content creation
  • Usage rights
  • Additional opportunities
  • Gifting